Choose Legend Seeds HarvXtra® Alfalfa & Put Extra $$ in Your Pocket

It's a great time to add technology to your alfalfa rotation with Legend Seeds

Maximize your return with EXTRA dollars in your pocket when you purchase HarvXtra alfalfa with Legend Seeds. Place your 2019 order of Legend Hvx 100 RR now through June 1, 2019 and growers can receive a $30 cash back rebate per unit purchased.

What is HarvXtra Alfalfa & why is it a great trait?

The HarvXtra® Alfalfa trait is the most advanced alfalfa trait on the market and the first genetically engineered alfalfa trait developed to maximize quality by reducing the amount of lignin in the plant compared to conventional alfalfa at the same stage of maturity. For growers, this means they have the flexibility to produce higher-quality forage or delay harvest to maximize yield potential, depending on weather or operational needs.

Curious how HarvXtra will benefit your operation?

HarvXtra field near Lake Preston, SD

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