Bean Leaf Beetle Sighting in South Dakota

At Legend Seeds, we utilize a team approach to serve our growers. Our dedicated team delivers expertise to Legend dealers to help their growers through local, tailored support. As a team, we are focused only on our customers and their success.

Matthew Petersen, Legend Account Manager

In mid-May, I was in the field with our summer intern, Jackson Walsh. We traveled across Turner and Union counties in South Dakota. These corn fields had volunteer soybeans growing, and bean leaf beetles were seen feeding on them. In one spot, we saw over 20 beetles on the plants.

April Borders, Research & Agronomy Development Manager

Bean leaf beetles can overwinter in leaf litter and then emerge early season to start feeding on volunteer soybeans. They then will lay eggs on the volunteer plants, allowing for another flush of beetles. First generation beetles feed on leaves and will produce a second generation that can damage pods.


If you have a bean-on-bean rotation where the soybeans planted were either untreated or were treated but did not have an insecticide in the treatment, you will need to pay a little extra attention to monitor the situation and scout the beans to determine the amount of damage. While bean-on-bean is not a common rotation, there is a concern that this year, due to delayed planting conditions, some growers in select areas may resort to continuous beans to get something planted. In these situations, the best management practice would be to have your bean seed treated with Legend Seeds YP Pro: Soybean Treatment to protect the plant. YP Pro provides optimal plant protection from the root to leaf tips and guards against all major seed and early season soil-borne diseases and damage from a broad spectrum of above and below-ground insects.

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