Agronomy Alert: In-Season Update for Aug. 16, 2018

Our dedicated team delivers expertise to Legend dealers and growers through local, tailored support. As a team, we are focused only on our customers and their success. The right seed, at the right time, in the right place. During the growing season, that means keeping you in the loop on progress throughout our footprint.

  • Iowa update from Mike Knight, Research and Technical Agronomist: Crops continue to be progressing nicely, with the corn a little behind last year’s development and soybeans catching up. We could still use a little more heat and moisture, as the weather has shaved some yield from soybeans. For more information, email Mike.
  • Michigan update from Terry Schulz, Account Manager: Michigan is burning up quickly again, except for the southeast region, which took a big rain last week. Corn maturity is all over the board. Earliest planted is into the dough stages, late planted is just past pollination. Michigan’s corn crop will be subpar overall due to lack of rain and late plantings, although localized areas of mid-Michigan made it through reasonably well. Soybeans have taken drought conditions pretty well, but need a rain this week to fill pods. Twospotted spider mites are becoming a serious issue in soybeans. For more information, email Terry.
  • Minnesota update from Jeffrey Sorenson, Sales Agronomist: Corn is progressing nicely. This next week we will likely start to see silage chopping begin in some areas. Aphid spraying is wrapping up in most areas, but a reminder that economic thresholds for spraying go through R5, so it still pays to spray! For more information, email Jeffrey.
  • Nebraska update from Dave Olson, Account Manager: Northeast Nebraska has been in need of sunlight and heat. Unfortunately, the heavy smoke cover from the western fires has reduced photosynthesis activity during this critical period of filling kernels and pollinating soybean flowers. Moisture levels are adequate and soybean canopy has shaded the rows completely. Most soybeans have produced 5-6 new, healthy trifoliates since harsh burners have been sprayed in an attempt to control heavy weed pressure where Roundup® failed as compared to LibertyLink® beans that were never set back because no rescue treatment was necessary. Corn diseases that are very common this year are Anthracnose Leaf Spot, Gray Leaf Spot and Holcus Leaf Spot. There has been very little presence of Goss’s Wilt in this area. For more information, email Dave.
  • North Dakota update from Mike Tofsrud, Sales Agronomist: Many soybeans throughout the area are really showing signs of moisture stress. Also, I have been hearing and seeing a few reports of low levels of spider mite pressure. Areas to keep an eye out are along field edges and hotspots in the field. Corn progress still looks very good. Some areas that haven’t had much measurable rain in the past couple of weeks are starting to show some stress, but as a whole, corn still looks pretty good. For more information, email Mike.
  • South Dakota update from Nick Brandenburg, Sales Agronomist: Recent pop-up showers have helped the small areas that were lucky enough to catch some rain. Earlier planted corn is starting to dent. Soybeans are at R5-R6, with little insect pressure. Drought stress will be the limiting factor this year in many areas. For more information, email Nick.
  • Wisconsin update from Jacob Andrle, Account Manager: Crops in Wisconsin are doing well overall. Some areas to the west and south are dry and could use rain. Some corn hybrids are starting to dent and we are currently about 2 weeks away from the start of corn silage harvest. Soybeans look good, but a few pockets of white mold are showing up in central and eastern Wisconsin. For more information, email Jake.

If you have questions, please contact your local Legend Seeds agronomist for guidance. We are here to help!

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