Agronomy Alert: Planting Update for Thursday, May 24, 2018

Our dedicated team delivers expertise to Legend dealers and growers through local, tailored support. As a team, we are focused only on our customers and their success. The right seed, at the right time, in the right place. At planting time, that means keeping you in the loop on progress throughout our footprint.

  • Iowa update from Mike Knight, Research and Technical Agronomist: For the most part, planting in Iowa has completely wrapped up. There is only about 10-15% of the soybeans left and less than 2-3% of the corn is left. There were some hard rains after the corn was planted, so some of the corn is struggling to get up, but the majority is approaching the V3 stage. The seed treatments on both corn and soybeans are showing their value already this year! We have seen some strong insect pressure, more than I have seen in years, so be on the lookout, and scout your fields.
  • Michigan update from Terry Schulz, Account Manager: Farmers have been mostly at a standstill since Monday’s rain, and there are still lots of soybeans yet to plant. Southern Michigan is a quagmire, and unplanted corn is being shortened up or potentially switched to soybeans in this area. Northern Michigan is making decent progress overall.
  • Minnesota update from Jeffrey Sorenson, Sales Agronomist: Last week, big progress was made in Southern Minnesota. Most, if not all, of the corn is in, but southern MN is still struggling with excess moisture. Central Minnesota got some rain, which will help seed that was planted in dry soil. Now is a good time to start stand evaluations to see if we have any issues in spots or fields and for comparing hybrids.
  • Nebraska update from Dave Olson, Account Manager: Throughout southern Nebraska, planting is complete. Northeast Nebraska corn planting is 99% complete, and soybean planting is 75-80%complete. Central Nebraska continues to struggle to poke in acres between rain events. Their corn planted ranges from 80-90% complete, and soybean acres are between 50-75% complete.
  • North Dakota update from Mike Tofsrud, Sales Agronomist: Planting in North Dakota is reaching the downward slide for the most part. Most growers are well into soybean planting with some reaching the end. We’ve had a nice run the last couple of weeks. Now is a good time to start getting out and evaluate stand counts on emerging corn fields.

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