Agronomy Alert: Harvest Update for Sept. 21, 2018

Our dedicated team delivers expertise to Legend dealers and growers through local, tailored support. As a team, we are focused only on our customers and their success. The right seed, at the right time, in the right place. At harvest time, that means keeping you in the loop on progress throughout our footprint.

  • Minnesota update from Jeffrey Sorenson, Sales Agronomist: Rain and more rain has covered most of Minnesota this week, which has amplified two issues in corn. The first was the wind that came with much of the rain, which has really pointed out some stalk quality concerns. The other concern that has appeared over the last couple of weeks is ear mold and rots, which are showing up due to all the heat and rain. Now let’s not forget about soybeans! Before the rain started falling, some early soybeans were being combined, and in most cases, growers have been pleased. LS 1172 LLN is looking great again this year. For more information, email Jeffrey.
  • North Dakota update from Mike Tofsrud, Sales Agronomist: Soybean harvest has been making really good progress in the northern half of the state, with some growers getting rolling in the southern half of the state. I have been getting some questions regarding Tobacco Ringspot Virus in soybeans. It’s easily recognizable by random plants that are delayed in maturity. Most often it is so minimal that it does not affect yields. For corn, growers in the western half of the state are still chopping some fields, while most are finished in the eastern half of the state. I really want to stress the importance of keeping an eye on corn harvest timing. In certain areas we are seeing some stalk integrity issues due to late season diseases that have set in. For more information, email Mike.
  • South Dakota update from Nick Brandenburg, Sales Agronomist: South Dakota’s harvest was starting to get underway in the east and was further along in the west, but some heavy rains this week have put a big stop to the recent progress. Early reports for soybean yields on the east side of the state were over 65 bushels an acre. When fields finally do dry out, crops will be maturing and drying down fast. Many of us have said over the past several weeks that a timely harvest will help reduce harvest loss. Be sure to monitor fields for moisture and any health concerns and harvest those fields with the most stress first. For more information, email Nick.
  • Wisconsin update from Jacob Andrle, Sales Agronomist: Silage harvest is in full swing in the northern and eastern parts of the state, with harvest wrapping up to the west and in southern areas. Soybeans have been coming off in some areas, with good yields being seen. Corn harvest has just started, with higher test weights being reported than last year. As mentioned in previous weeks, stalk quality issues are starting to show up, so developing a harvest plan for this fall with an order of which fields to take off will be important. For more information, email Jake.

If you have questions, please contact your local Legend Seeds agronomist for guidance. We are here to help!

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